For the Love of Pearls (and Mother of Pearl)

Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him doth fade
But doth suffer a sea change
Into something rich and strange.

    Mother of pearl and pearls are said to heal wounds. 
Particularly when turned to powder it was felt to improve
eyesight. Healers say that if you wear mother of pearl, 
your confidence will be enhanced, 
your ability to make decisions improved
and your creativity expanded. 

On the walls of the Palazzo labia in Venice, Italy, Tiepolo depicts
Cleopatra dissolving a magnificent pearl in vinegar for
Marc Anthony to drink. Legend has it that swallowing
 a pearl could be the path to immortality itself.

I think that they are too beautiful to consume,
but you should make them a part of you. 


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